Breathtaking Views and Hidden Gems: A Week of Driving Around Southern Sardinia!

The island of Sardinia is located to the west of the peninsula of Italy. It is a surprisingly large island and a week is not enough time to fully sightsee the whole of it. In the space of a week, it was only possible for us to visit a little of the southern half of the island and that was with quite a busy itinerary.

We visited in mid-October and as you will see from the photos, the weather was gloriously sunny and a perfect 25C during the day. It was warm enough for swimming but not too annoyingly warm for a day of sightseeing. This is considered shoulder season. Therefore, there were other perks such as cheaper accommodation, inexpensive car rental and less crowds at the attractions.

The beach that you walk past to get to Area archeologica di Tharros is the most spectacular beach!!
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