Perhaps it is the wide streets, a result of careful town planning or the expensive and pristine infrastructure or the highly educated population or the mantle as the capital of Australia, the city of Canberra does feel quite sterile and soulless. Nevertheless, a trip to the capital is surely de rigueur for every Australia if only just to see the Parliament house and other national galleries, monuments and museums that their taxes fund.
We visited Canberra, only a few days before the highly publicised anti-vaxxer protests in February. It was amusing to see the people and their vehicles circling the national buildings honking their horns, waving flags and placards and yelling, “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!”
We cycled all the way to Parliament House but unfortunately, we could not enter on that particular day. We did however see the piles of riot gear at the ready for the protests in the basement carpark.