Lovely Adelaide and in fact, South Australia as a whole, often flies under the radar when pitted against the other capital cities and states in Australia. It shouldn’t! This state has plenty going for it and is a real quiet achiever. When driving around South Australia, a vast area in the north is desert. The more southern areas are all about wheat growing and wind power. When compared to the other states, it is clear that South Australia is much more serious about renewable power.
When it comes to handling Covid, South Australia has managed the pandemic without the strong handed tactics of Western Australia or the more relaxed approach of New South Wales. I think a lot of credit goes to South Australians. As a people, they show strong community spirit as demonstrated in their small regional towns which are without fail, “neat as a pin” and the way they all comply with the wearing of masks and checking in for contract tracing. As someone who has been through every state except for Tasmania during 2021, the contact tracing QR code check in software is the best in South Australia. The QR code scanner is so sensitive that you barely have to break your stride to check in when entering a retail premise.
Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia is a stately city with lovely, well cared for, old buildings sitting side by side and in great contrast with their modern counterparts. The city centre is very flat and has good cycling infrastructure. The CBD is clearly a result of town planning with the grid like street configuration and the green space that surrounds the city on all sides. The food scene is also ever improving in this lovely city.